the blue whale
Can you make up in your mind an image of a tall animal? It reaches ten stories in length, so you may now imagine an animal similar to a Guzilla or King Kong, but you can imagine that this animal actually exists, but in the seas yes it is the blue whale, those majestic giant marine mammals whose heart weighs more than the weight of a car.
Here are fifteen interesting facts about that mysterious object.
Whales are very giant creatures, and they are the largest animals that ever lived on the planet. Even the current blue whale is larger than its ancestors for millions of years. The blue whale grows to reach thirty meters in length, longer than a basketball court, and weighs up to two hundred tons, which is the weight of fifteen buses. The largest known dinosaur is the Argan Kinosaurus, who lived in the Middle Ages, and whose weight is estimated at nearly ninety tons, meaning that it is much smaller than blue whales.
And if you do not imagine the extent of this size, then imagine yourself standing in front of a ten-storey building. The height of this building is the length of the blue whale, while its tongue alone weighs four tons, which is equivalent to the weight of an elephant, and a hundred people can stand inside its mouth.
blue whale description
The blue whale has a broad and flat head, while its body is long and pointed, ending with a tail like the blue whale. This aquatic animal lives in all the oceans of the world and prefers to live alone, but sometimes it lives in groups. The blue whale spends the summer in the polar waters, while it migrates with the onset of winter towards the equator An object of this magnitude to a huge heart for sure. Indeed, the size of a whale’s heart is the size of a Mini Cover car. It weighs about nine hundred kilograms. Its heart beats only six to seven times per minute, and its pulse can be felt at a distance of more than three kilometers. Imagine the size of the arteries that reach a heart like this where An adult human can crawl freely inside his arteries. A small newborn whale is considered the largest newborn animal on earth, and a female blue whale is larger than a male, and she carries her fetus for a whole year, after which a weight of about nine thousand pounds comes out .
Reaching a length of about twenty-six feet, the female blue whale produces two hundred liters of high-fat milk per day. The fetus feeds on it and increases its weight by ninety-one kilograms per day in the first year of its life. Scientists believe that its growth rate is faster than any other animal on Earth, and a female whale gives birth to one young and gives birth to a female approximately every three years due to its large size. The whale is rarely attacked, unlike humans who hunted the blue whale during the era of wall-hunting.
The only predator of the blue whale!
It is groups of hungry killer whales, large predatory sharks, and many of them die as a result of colliding with ships. Global warming is also a threat to these whales. As for the food of this giant, you can imagine the size of its enormous meal that makes it reach such amazing dimensions, but unlike expected, its food From the young, during certain times of the year, one adult whale consumes about four tons of trill per day, which are small animals similar to shrimp. The name of the blue whale is due to its blue color .
But you will be surprised when you know that this deep blue color is not blue, but rather a grayish-blue with black dots. When the whale dives under water, the color of water and sunlight makes this animal appear dark blue, unlike what it is in fact, and its stomachs are marked by a balloon Yellow because of the presence of melanin from microorganisms that take refuge from the skin of the whale. The blue whale can hold its breath for up to thirty-five minutes when searching for food. Despite the size of the blue whale, its body is slender and streamlined, and this allows it to migrate and move long distances at high speed. They are skilled swimmers who can cruise the ocean at a speed of five miles per hour, but their speed increases to thirty miles when in danger.
Blue whales are among the loudest animals on the planet!
As the blue whale communicates with others through a low-pitched moan or withdrawal, it emits a series of vibrations, murmurs, and sighs, and blue whales can hear each other even familial, and scientists believe that they use these sounds not only for communication, but may use them to navigate in the dark depths of the ocean and during periods Mating The blue whale searches for its other half to mate with by singing to it, which is called the mating song.
And also used duly Te
In cases of sadness when someone gets sick or dies, the blue whale is considered the longest living animal. Scientists have discovered through the number of layers of wax accumulated on the ear of the dead blue whale.
The average life of a blue whale is ninety years
In some, it may reach more than a hundred years. It is worth noting that the age of blue whales is determined in a way similar to calculating the age of trees. The blue whale does not have teeth and instead relies on bony plates to catch its prey. The jaw bone has short jagged bristles that act like a fence or net that allows the blue whale to catch prey while also allowing it to move water freely in and out of the mouth. Great food sources in addition to being unable to chew its food and tearing it into small pieces and thus the blue whale is unable to eat humans.
Blue whales existed greatly in the past, as their number ranged from two hundred to three hundred thousand whales scattered all over the world, but the number has decreased significantly since the era of whaling, which was a very popular and profitable hobby, which caused the death of many types of blue whale and exposed them to the threat of extinction, which It caused a severe shortage in its numbers, reaching less than four thousand whales in the year two thousand and two, and since the start of the ban on whaling, their number is still less than one percent of its original number between the years one thousand and nine hundred and sixty and nine hundred and ninety, more than three hundred and sixty thousand have been hunted. From the blue whale to obtain whale oil, which pushed it to the brink of extinction among the list of the most endangered animals ..]